Monday, January 3, 2011

5 Things to Look Forward to in 2011

Happy New Year!

Its hard to believe it is actually 2011. I'm sure I will eventually adjust after a few weeks of writing 2010 on my checks. There are so many exciting things to look forward to this year, as our industry evolves and approaches the light at the end of the tunnel.

We are making adjustments as well, and hopefully you will enjoy the changes we are making here at Park Seed:

#5. More Useful Content

I am by no means a social media or blogging expert, but I am making strides in learning how these very important tools are used to provide valuable content to you. There a lot of ideas I have in mind on how to make your experience with us better and grow your business, so expect to see more blog updates this year.

While I already have a social media presence, and dabbled in providing insight and ideas last year, this year I am looking forward to learning and sharing even more with you. I also hope you will provide feedback on your experiences.

#4. Website Update

It is no secret that our wholesale website is in need of an update to bring us out of the stone age. I am making a push for this to happen, so please share your ideas on the changes we can make. I have a poll over on the side of this page, if you will take a moment to vote on the features you would most like to see implemented (you can choose more than one).

#3. FarWest Trade Show

This August, I will be attending the FarWest show in Portland, OR. I hope to meet those of you who attend the show, and hopefully I will be able to learn a thing or two (or ten) while I'm there. We will also be doing multiple shows across the country.

Trade shows are a very important part of our industry, and as we grow, expect to see us at even more shows in the years to come.

#2. Seed Availability

We are bringing in more and more seed than ever before, and even looking to expand on a few variety offerings. Backorders and crop failures will always be a part of the industry, but this year we will have a much more solid foundation to provide the seed you need, when you need it.


I am so excited to announce that we will be adding more growers to our plant and plug catalog for next season. Center Greenhouse in Colorado, and Syngenta Flowers shipping from Washington are two that will help with shipping costs since they are closer to the west coast. They also have great product lines and quality plants.

We are still hoping to have EuroAmerican back as well, so we can provide the Proven Winners you need with better shipping.

I hope you have a prosperous and profitable 2011, and let me know if you have any questions about the changes we are making.


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